Conserving Our Present
Saving Our Future
Want To Have Information About Snakes and Snakebite At Your Fingertips?
We want to get information about snakes and snakebite into anyone's hands who has a cell phone in Kenya or elsewhere in East Africa. We have developed the SNAKE AWARENESS APP that contains information about the venomous snakes of Kenya, as well as first aid, symptoms, and prevention of snakebite. At this time, the app is only available in English. If you are interested, go to Google Play or the Apple store and download the Spaces by Wix app. When you open it, there should be a message at the bottom of the page that says something like "Join With Code?" When you see that message, type in the code WFAYQU. That should take you to the Snake Awareness App. Let us know if you have any questions or can't figure out how to access the app by messaging us below. We hope to see you on the app soon! When you get there, send us a message in the chat to let us know what you think!